Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm A Proud Vegetarian

The issue I will be addressing today is whether being a vegetarian is an ethical proponent to being a humane human. The main issue with eating meat is not whether it is humane to animals, but does it also contribute to a healthy environment. Most proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat harms health, waste resources, and causes deforestation. It also is proven that when having a vegetarian diet, it can provide the 10 essential proteins that our needed. Also killing animals for inhumane purposes is not as easy on the animal as it looks. It is a proven fact that animals or not exempt from the emotions of fear, anxiety, stress, and pain. People who support eating meat, have the opinion that since its a natural cycle for animals to die, what would be the problem with killing them. Eating meats also provides nutrients for a proper diet. I personally feel, as a vegetarian myself that having a vegetarian diet can provide the proper nutrients, and is a humane way to save the earth and not kill animals. But if most humans cannot stray away from eating meat then there are proper alternatives like just reducing the number of portions of meat that you eat, or not eating meat but eating fish in order to receive what people would call the right proteins. This relates to the government because it is featured in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In your opinion do you think that having a vegetarian diet is healthful.

This video shows the benefits of having a vegetarian diet.

This is a vegetarian food pyramid.

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