Why is that American is called the Land of Oppurtunity if not everyone is offered the same type of freedom. An example would be Hispanics. There is a border between Mexico and the U.S., that is used too keep illegial Mexicans out. These borders are patroled by border patrol agents. But my question why are we penalizing illegial immigrants for coming over only too attempt to live a better life for themselves and maybe family members, is that so wrong? There are more than 10 million illegial immigrants currently in the U.S., do you know how hard it would be to identify every single one them. And then the new restrictions put on illegial and legal immgrants in Arizona. This new law inquires that if you look under "reasonable suspicion", you are liable to be arrested by the police unless you have proper documentation. These laws are beginning to become unnecessary and could conflict in the citizenship of legal Americans. It would probably be best if they just allowed immigrants to come over and be able to obtain their citizenship. How do you feel about illegial immigration, should it be leglized? This relates to class because we talk about the different political views and how they feel about situations like this. An liberal would most likely approve of legalization of immigration while an conseravative would be against it.
This video shows how banning illegial immigrants from the U.S. can contribute to unnecessary costs and how it affects American society.
A funny cartoon picture showing how President Bush used to like illegial immigrants, which is ironic because he didn't.
Shows the struggles immigrants had too go through to illegially cross the border.
I dont feel that they should legalize immmigration, but i do think that they should down play alot of the laws used. I do think that we are very hard on Latinos when it comes to becoming an American citizen, I think that the process should be easier and quicker. Everyone should have the opportunity to live the American Dream...but thats just my opinion.