Friday, December 31, 2010

Shouldn't everybody have health care?

In America some people are lucky enough to receive health care. Why? Because health care is expensive!!!! Especially in America's economic situation you should just allow everyone to have health care. Health care gives jobs to over 14 million people, and is the largest industry in the U.S. According to a poll 64% of Americans believe that health care should be a right and not just a priveledge. You can even back that statement up with a quote from the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men have the right to unalienable right to "life". Do you feel that health care should be a right or a priviledge to every American. But you must remember that not everyone is as wealthy as the next person. This relates to class because we talked about the different types of grants, and this could be used as a grant to distribute health care to less fourtunate people.

These two funny videos show how common sense may not be used at all times and how useful their healthcare was too them.,r:0,s:0&tx=42&ty=21

This is the symbol for health care.

Can We Really Call Them "Aliens"

Why is that American is called the Land of Oppurtunity if not everyone is offered the same type of freedom. An example would be Hispanics. There is a border between Mexico and the U.S., that is used too keep illegial Mexicans out. These borders are patroled by border patrol agents. But my question why are we penalizing illegial immigrants for coming over only too attempt to live a better life for themselves and maybe family members, is that so wrong? There are more than 10 million illegial immigrants currently in the U.S., do you know how hard it would be to identify every single one them. And then the new restrictions put on illegial and legal immgrants in Arizona. This new law inquires that if you look under "reasonable suspicion", you are liable to be arrested by the police unless you have proper documentation. These laws are beginning to become unnecessary and could conflict in the citizenship of legal Americans. It would probably be best if they just allowed immigrants to come over and be able to obtain their citizenship. How do you feel about illegial immigration, should it be leglized? This relates to class because we talk about the different political views and how they feel about situations like this. An liberal would most likely approve of legalization of immigration while an conseravative would be against it.

This video shows how banning illegial immigrants from the U.S. can contribute to unnecessary costs and how it affects American society.

A funny cartoon picture showing how President Bush used to like illegial immigrants, which is ironic because he didn't.,r:10,s:0

Shows the struggles immigrants had too go through to illegially cross the border.,8599,1982268,00.html

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Should Everyone have to be "Under God"

In the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, there are two word spoken "Under God" which have created a big controversy for many decades. The big argument with this, is whether children should have to repeat these two words in an school environment. Some people feel that saying those two words in the pledge in a violation of church and state. Mostly religious minorities feel that by saying that in the pledge that they may be worshipping another God. Also by saying those words in the Pledge does that pronounce the U.S. as a Chrisitan Nation? The majority of Americans feel like the pledge does not show much or any religous dipiciton inside of it, and that it is just a simple phrase used in the pledge representing any God that you choose to praise. In my opinion i can see how any minority may feel subjected to say the pledge, based on their religious views if any. But I also feel that when saying the pledge it has no specific religion that it is supporting, and is an open statement made and can be interpreted in any type of way. Therefore I feel that "Under God" should be allowed to stay in the Pledge, but it should also be given a choice of whether the speicific child feels comfortable saying it. This relates to class becuase recently we have talked about court cases that have had to deal with religous differences such as Wisconsin v. Yoder. So how do you interpret the Pledge of Allegiance and do you feel that it should be removed?

This video explains how before 1954 there was no "Under God" in the pledge, and it was only added out of fear from the communist fear in America.,r:0,s:0&tx=89&ty=103,r:4,s:0

These pictures show how children say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Should The Jailbird Be Allowed To Vote

In my blog, I will discussing the issue on whether people in jail should be allowed to vote as a right granted to them or whether it should remain as a punishment for comitting their "crime". As an example of implied powers it is expected that once you commit a crime and sent to jail for it, you shall not be allowed to vote while in jail. In the argument of whether prisoners should be able to vote some people mention the fact that if an adult can't be trusted to follow the law then why should they be granted the priviledge to vote? The argument also has a differentside to it, which include a side who believes that it is a natural born right to be able to vote crimanl or not. This is backed up by saying that taking a person's right to vote is like undermining their opinion based on strict opinion. This along with other factors could potentially lead to an unhealthy political society. I personally feel that what if a person actually didn't commit the crime they were accused with. Should they be stripped of the chance of voting, just because of false accusation. That just isn't fair to the fraction of people in jail who are innocent. As a felon would you like the same rights as other people, especially if you have already served your time for the crime. Also have you thought that maybe this is just another chance for the Caucasian man to keep different ethnicities down and strip them of their rights just like they have before in past times? In my opinion maybe all criminal should not be allowed the right to vote, but some criminals and ex-criminals should be given this right back too them. This blog relates to class because it deals with the implied powers which are not directly stated in the constitution but we can use strong opinion to decide these powers.

This video shows how people in jail were given the right to vote in the presidency election and they choose to, and the response was very nice.,r:13,s:37&tx=90&ty=46,r:3,s:0

These pictures represent how a prisoner is denied the right to vote but still has the desire.,8599,1553510,00.html

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Life or Death, Either Way You Don't Get To Decide

In this blog my focus will be on the issue of rather having an abortion is the right or wrong thing to do and whether it should even be a legal option. In the argument of whether abortion is right or wrong there are two types of people, people who are pro-life and think abortion is strictly wrong, or pro-choice who accept that abortion is a right left up to the specific person and their situation. Although some pro-choice followers believe it should only be used as a last resort. In the court case Roe v. Wade, decided in 1973, approved that abortion was a constitutional right to privacy protected by the constitution. This was a very important case because it legalized abortion. On April 27, 2010, Oklahoma signed a law requiring women to recieve an ultrasound before having an abortion so they could have a detailed decription of the limbs, fetus's heart, and organs. I personally feel that abortion should be a choice but only if it it life threatning. Killing a baby without its consent is just as bad as murdering another human. You have no idea what that baby could do for mankind in the future. Killing a baby is not a choice that should be choosen so loosely and without awareness of what they are actually doing, so I agree with Oklahoma and making women recieve an ultrasound before they abort a baby because maybe then they can rethink their decision and choose a better one. Instead of making abortion a care free decision we should think of alternatives. What else can I do in order to have this baby and let it have a good life. So my question to you is whether you think abortion is a good decision or alternative to not wanting a baby? You can only decide this on your own. In conclusion I feel that taking away a baby's life is also taking away it's decision making process and i'm sure if it had a choice to die, it would not approve of these conditions.

This video shows a pro-life's opinion on abortion and how a simple adoption could save the life of a baby's future children and their whole generation.

This picture represents a woman's choice to either abort her baby or to keep it by representing her body, her mind, so her choice.

This video shows our President Barack Obama displaying his opinions on abortion. He believes that abortion should be a choice but to a certain extent. Like abortion should be only allowed through a certain time but anytime after it should not be allowed. He also believes that we can reduce abortions by providing women with the right type of fincial aids, healthcares, and etc.


Mary Jane

The issue which I will be focusing on today, is the issue with an illegial drug named marijuana, AKA Mary Jane. Marijuana was introduced as a medical stimulant in 1972, since then 14 out of 50 states have accepted its uses. A major court cases which have occured about the issue of marijuana are Conant v. Walters. In this court case California had passes its use on medical marijuana regulations in 1996, but the government threatned any physcian that used it could result in the loss of their license. The court decided that marijuana could be used as a medical treatment for some patients. In 2010, the District of Columbia approved its uses of marijuana under medical circumstances only. These permit cancer, HIV, AIDS, Chronic diseases, and etc. The prime issue with this is whether it can be considered an illegial drug or should be legalized as a medical preference. In its defense mary jane has been known to relax and relieve numerous dieases and disorders such as HIV, glaucoma, nausea, and migrains as well as others. Some physicians also agree that this new "theraputic" sensation can certainly relieve the body and internal systems. But reports show that the growth of smoking mary jane could also increase the percentage of teen and adolescents drug abuse. Also since when has smoking eber been good for the body? Smoking has been shown to increase the chance of cancer. Is that what we want for our kids in the next generation?

This video contains contents on which mothers in California support the legalization of mary jane. I don't agree with the mothers statements, I feel that mothers should embrace whatever is the best choice for their children at hand. Looking back from the information we just learned we discovered that children smoking even marijuana at such a young age can introduce children to more lethal and deadly drugs.

This video agrees with the last as in marijuana should be legalized but also would propose the idea of just like alchol, you would have to be a certain age to purchase it.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blogging Dangers

Some blogging dangers that students should be aware of when creating a blog are, using information that is not personal. When a person creates a blog they should be sure to not use any personal information such as your real name, address, or any telephone numbers that you can be reached at. If we do these things we can reduce the cause of strangers violating safety issues. Also you must remember that even though you may think that your not affecting anyone by putting there personal information in a blog you must be careful because somebody's feeling may be hurt. This could evolve into what some people call cyberbullying. Making sure that you are not presenting any information that may be used against you as slander or obscenity is something to look out for when creating a profile or posting a risky blog. These are some of the safety points that should be used when creating a blog.